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“Too long, didn’t read”

By September 23, 2024No Comments

Contrary to this codex, when I write for my blog, it’s usually a really long essay.

Some are over 6000 words.

I’ve heard every argument for why I should shorten things:

“Nobody wants to read something that long.”

“Attention spans are decreasing”

“You have to learn to convey the point quickly.”

Most of it is well-meaning, but misses the entire point:

Some things take time.

Everything you write has a goal. And you need to write enough to achieve that goal. No more, no less.

You can’t distill the Harry Potter series into 7 blog posts. Well you could, but it defeats the whole purpose.

I can’t make someone “tech fluent” in 5 paragraphs. If I could, I would.

But if something I write has 50 paragraphs, I do make sure that each and every paragraph serves a purpose. I’m actually a relentless editor. I hate fluff myself, and I cut it out of my writing with a vengeance.

So yes, I write really long essays. And the people who don’t read them, are simply missing out.

Either they don’t need what I’m writing (all good), or they’re just the type of person who wants everything quickly (a magic pill for instant weight loss). In either case, they’re not my readers.

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