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Greetings. Your time looks delicious.
Let me take a small bite.

Aman walking in park

Me at Duke Gardens in Durham, NC.

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Infrequently Asked Questions

What’s the purpose of this long page?

If you read this one page about me, you would know me better than you know your neighbors. It can be hard to learn about a person from their social media profiles. You meet so many people in different situations, that most of them only know one aspect of your personality.

Okay, who are you?

Honestly, I’m just an engineer, teacher, and thinker.

Formally, I’m the founder of SANPRAM Transnational, an umbrella company that does various types of projects in tech, media, research, etc. Previously, I worked on things like self-driving trucks, brain-computer interfaces, humanoid robot assistants, AI data systems, online education, etc.

During my undergrad, I studied everything from semiconductors to public health, and from visual design to financial history — in India and China. I also have a Masters in Systems Engineering from Cornell University (which was a surprisingly useful degree, given that most aren’t worth it).

As of 2024, I’m based in Tokyo, Japan.

What kind of activities do you find rewarding?

  • Setting myself seemingly impossible annual goals (eg: become fluent in Japanese in 12 months, get a black belt in Judo in 12 months).
  • Learning foreign languages: I currently speak 5 (with varying fluency) and am on a quest to speak 8.
  • Teaching, coaching, and helping others.
  • Extremely rarely, I publicly make a contrarian prediction about the future. But they come 100% true, because I only make a prediction when the evidence is extremely compelling. Eg: In 2015 I wrote a thesis predicting that the price of crude oil would stay low for 3 years. It came 100% true. Pity I didn’t short some oil stocks.
  • Deep thinking and making or writing new things in general.

Do you know why diarrhea is hereditary?

Because it runs in the jeans. (*Shows self out*)

What are you currently working on?

  • My most ambitious project yet, DenseLayers. My life’s work. We’re building a 1000-year company. I’m hiring world-class people, join us!
  • Giving away my book, Tech Fluent CEO. The best book in the world for non-technical founders.
  • (On hiatus) My podcasts, a unique format where I sit down with CEOs of really cool companies — from aircraft manufacturers to new-age modeling agencies.
  • (On and off hiatus) My long-form essays, where I explain complex advanced technology and business topics simply. (I have a low tolerance for unnecessarily sophisticated talk, so I’m trying to help the millions of smart people who don’t have an engineering education or don’t use English as their first language.)
  • My personal YouTube channel, where I document my journey as an entrepreneur.

Where can I learn more about your work, or send you a business inquiry?

I’m flattered. You can message me on LinkedIn or Twitter (I go by @mngrwl). Or, to find my email address, you must go on a journey of heroic, swashbuckling adventure to the bottom of… this page.

What is ‘Systems Engineering’ all about?

Systems Engineering (SYSEN) is an extremely powerful engineering approach that is generally used for the most complex, large-scale, revolutionary projects – think spacecraft, autonomous vehicles, robotic surgery, etc.

It helps you to build the best solution, at the best cost, in the most efficient and flexible manner. Especially when there are a lot of system requirements, many stakeholders, very diverse teams of experts working together, and high-stakes. It perfectly fits how my mind works.

Are you fundraising for DenseLayers?

Not actively all the time, but always open to inbound queries — we have a strong preference for angel investors and philanthropic organizations. Send me an email and we can chat.

You studied in China?! How was your experience there?

It’s a big beautiful country, with a rich culture. And yet it seemed so mysterious. I found lifelong friends and lifelong lessons. Now I can use chopsticks in the traditional way, and I also know how NOT to use the word 小姐.

Politics aside, I do have long-term business interests in the East Asian region and occasionally write about it on my blog.

Are you a nerd?

If there was a worldwide competition to find the biggest nerd ever, I wouldn’t even hear about the competition. So the answer is yes.

What do you do outside of work?

I love art and cinema from all corners of the world, though I’m biased towards Japan in that area. I read a lot of history. I like cooking and eating delicious plant-based foods. I love traveling and meeting new people. I also like working out and taking care of my body — handstand pushups, I’m coming!

How did you come up with that opening line at the top?

I spent 15 minutes generating as many title lines on paper as I could. This one popped out of my brain towards the end. Maybe you can call it a forced fart of creativity? I don’t know.

Your page made me laugh. Is there anything small that I can do for you?

Let’s play a game. Choose any of the three:

  1. Leave a “thank you for being a good neighbour” note for the person who lives next door to you (even if they’re not a particularly good neighbour)
  2. Smile and greet “good morning!” or “have a lovely day!” to a random stranger you walk by
  3. Find a judo dojo near you and show up to join or observe a class next week

Then tell me how it went!



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